Pathfinder Investiture

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About The Church

Our Community

International smiles, joyful hearts. We look forward to the second coming of Jesus as our King of Kings. Meanwhile, we fellowship and worship Him here at Houston International Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Church Mission

Reaching people, changing lives. We take the gospel commission by sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Planting the seeds of scripture, we water with our prayers, and the Holy Spirit works in the hearts to bring people to know the freedom of being saved by the grace of God through Jesus.

We love Jesus and strive to live by His example showing God’s love and kindness to others.


Participate With Us

We welcome you to join our church fellowship!

Choose an option:

  • I would like to join a Bible class
  • I would like to be study for baptism
  • I would like to worship with Houston International

Welcome Home to Houston International

Hello and welcome to our Church, I am Kerwin Jones, Interim Senior Pastor. I have been given the honor by God to partner with the committed Christians of Houston International Seventh day Adventist Church (Hisda), who hail from 31 different countries. As a congregation, we have the joy, under the prayerful supervision of the Texas Conference, to work along with the Holy Spirit in advancing the mission of God’s remnant Church. Texas comprises of 24 million individuals and Houston is the 5th most diverse city in the United States, with a growing population of 8 million. People from all corners of the globe, including many Adventists, pour into Houston on a daily basis seeking opportunities and offering their professional services towards the development of the city. We would love to see as many as possible come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We invite you to join us as we continue to work and pray for the soon coming of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In Our Masters Service,
Kerwin Jones
Interim Senior Pastor, Houston International SDA Church

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